Kamis, 22 September 2022

Cara membuat blog bagi pemula menggunakan hp

Membuat blog bagi pemula menggunakan hp

Hello guys.. selamat malam, kali ini aku ingin coba share cara membuat blog bagi pemula menggunakan handphone.. emang bisa yaa? bisaa dong.

Yang pertama adalah.. buka situs blogger.com di pencarian handphone, setelah itu akan terlihat tampilan seperti dibawah ini.

Tips membuat blog

lalu klik atau pilih create your blog atau buat blog anda, kalau sudah diklik maka akan diarahkan ke login email, karena blog ini akan terhubung dengan email jadi kita log in menggunakan email kita.

Kalau sudah log in menggunakan email yang kita inginkan, maka tampilan selanjutnya akan seperti dibawah ini.

Kita di sini diminta untuk membuat nama pada blog kita, setelah kita buat nama itu akan terlihat ditampilan atas blog kita. berikut adalah contoh namanya,

di atas adalah contoh nama yang aku buat, kalian boleh buat nama sesuai dengan yang kalian inginkan. jika sudah bisa di klik next, maka tampilan nya akan seperti dibawah ini.

pada step di atas, kita diminta untuk membuat alamat link pada blog kita, agar mudah untuk dicari menggunakan url tersebut. gunakanlah nama yang sesuai kamu inginkan dan buatlah se-simpel mungkin agar kamu dapat mengingatnya. jika selesai membuat URL pada blog kita, maka klik next. dan tampilan nya akan seperti berikut,

setelah itu, kita dapat membuat tampilan pada nama blog kita yang akan tampil di profil kita, diatas adalah contoh dari nama tampilannya. ini merupakan step yang terakhir, jika sudah selesai kita bisa klik finish.

Baca Juga: Cara membuat stiker sendiri di WA

daaan taraa blog kita sudah jadi tampilannya akan seperti ini,

duhh blog nya masih kosong yaa, naah kalian bisa tambahkan postingan dengan membuka situs blogger lagi, dan tampilannya otomatis akan seperti ini,

lalu klik new post atau buat postingan baru, setelah selesai.. jangan lupa dipublikasikan yaa, nahh itu dia langkah membuat blog menggunakan handphone. Sangat mudah bukaan?

Selamat mencobaa guys!:) 

An analyze Thirst by Mary Oliver


by Mary Oliver


Another morning and I wake with thirst 

for the goodness I do not have. I walk

out to the pond and all the way God has

given us such beautiful lessons. Oh Lord, 

I was never a quick scholar but sulked 

and hunched over my books past the 

hour and the bell; grant me, in your 

mercy, a little more time. Love for the 

earth and love for you are having such a 

long conversation in my heart. Who 

knows what will finally happen or 

where I will be sent, yet already I have 

given a great many things away, expect-

ing to be told to pack nothing, except the 

prayers which, with this thirst, I am 

slowly learning.

the first stanza

Another morning and I wake with thirst 

for the goodness I do not have. I walk 

out to the pond and all the way God has 

given us such beautiful lessons. Oh Lord,

The stanza above has a proud tone because it can be seen in the word ‘given us such beautiful lessons’ which means is she appreciates a thing that is around her. illustrates that when we wake up and thirst enters. There is always something we want, and we desire, which is somehow lost but we want to remain whole again. Often we don't really know what something is. which we might be able to accomplish but when we might sleep with satisfaction and wake up the next morning so we find another thirst. The thirst remains. but there are things we should know that God will always provide the best for us, then on the next stanza the speaker felt that his day was very different from before she said that he always thought of things that had passed so we can understand this stanza

I was never a quick scholar but sulked 

and hunched over my books past the 

hour and the bell; grant me, in your 

mercy, a little more time. Love for the 

That the stanza above has a sad tone because we can see the word ‘sulked’. which means that the question "why did she become a scholar too fast?.”

earth and love for you are having such a 

long conversation in my heart. Who 

knows what will finally happen or 

where I will be sent, yet already I have 

In the stanza is the speaker saying that she always converse in her heart so that there are many questions and answers that she can conclude herself and we can conclude that every beautiful thing in this world requires a subtle touch so that we can be grateful for its existence. So the tone from this stanza is desperate because of the word ‘sent’ the word sent in the sentence refers to the speaker who is hopeless to his life to the next so she said ‘Who knows what will finally happen or where I will be sent,’ and she surrenders her self to what had happened to his life and self.

yet already I have 

given a great many things away, expect-

ing to be told to pack nothing, except the 

prayers which, with this thirst, I am 

slowly learning.

The tone of that stanza is desperate because we can see from the word ‘expecting’ in the word expecting which means that he hopes that if there isn't anything she can give and complete with words ‘to be told to pack nothing, except the prayers which, with this thirst, I am slowly learning.’ except the prayer that he has prepared for what he has gotten. from that, he can learn well.

So, the dominant tone in this poem is desperate from the last stanza we can understand the speaker's feeling desperate she was desperate does not mean he gave up with all his more precisely she should be able to accept and be grateful for the things she experienced and she decided. And because this poem is more to despair. 

Baca Juga: An analyze essay never lonely again

The one who speaks in that poem is ' I '. In a word “I” which means that the speaker is a woman contained in the word ‘sulked’ because usually a woman will be easily upset but can not be expressed so that it always raises questions that are out of the head and will find his own answers when his mood improves. so the speaker in the poem is more specifically the woman who is desperate for the things as like the word ‘Who knows what will finally happen or where I will be sent,’ she decides just like her choosing a course in college based on the word ‘quick scholar’ that isn't within her ability and in too much of a hurry ‘with this thirst, I am slowly learning.’ to make a decision.

The issue of the poem is personality disorder because the poem is describing someone who feels chaotic in his decision so it always raises unreasonable questions as like stanza 4 line 1-5 ‘Who knows what will finally happen or where I will be sent, yet already I have’ questions that some people may have experienced but only in part. and this issue is often experienced by many people, especially us seekers of knowledge ‘hunched over my books past the hour and the bell;’ in the word “books” and ‘bell’ which refers to speakers having problems in education. I think that everyone has experienced this, either in terms of boring learning and etc, but this poem is interesting in my opinion that the speaker feels thirsty in terms of education.


Cara membuat blog bagi pemula menggunakan hp

Membuat blog bagi pemula menggunakan hp Hello guys.. selamat malam, kali ini aku ingin coba share cara membuat blog bagi pemula menggunakan ...